An almandine disc fibula for the LVR LandesMuseum Bonn

Almandine disc fibula Stefani Köster

In order to be able to present the production process of a disc brooch in more detail to museum visitors, the LVR LandesMuseum Bonn commissioned me to make a replica of an almandine disc brooch based on an original find from the museum's collection.

You can book an primer is a medieval robe clasp that was primarily worn by women.

Die Präsentation der Fibel sollte in Zusammenhang mit einem Schau-Arbeitsplatz eines Goldschmieds im Rahmen der Ausstellung „EVA'S BEAUTY CASE“ ab dem Sommer des Jahres 2016 erfolgen.

For this I was allowed to study the original medieval disc fibula from the 6th century AD and the scientific analyzes of the LVR LandesMuseum Bonn and to discuss all the details on site with the responsible art historians.

Original disc fibula from the LVR LandesMuseum Bonn
Original disc fibula from the museum depot

Since the replica, which is as true to the original as possible, will later serve to explain the individual production steps in a display case, the fibula should be made in silver just like the original and then fire-gilded. The material analyzes of the Bonn museum were able to identify the remains of fire gilding.

So first I made the body of the fibula in fine silver. The prepared cells should later go to the gem cutter Harold Heinrich serve to grind the almandine for the disc fibula to a precise fit. Finally, the fibula was fire-gilded by a specialist in Munich.

Gold disc fibula medieval
Gilded basic shape of the disc brooch

Um die Almandine noch mehr „funkeln“ zu lassen, wurden die Edelsteine genau wie bei den historischen Vorbildern mit einer sogenannten „Waffelfolie“ hinterlegt. Diese hauchdünne Folie aus Feingold sorgt mit ihrer reliefartigen Oberfläche für eine starke Reflektion des einfallenden Lichts und erhöht damit die Leuchtkraft der darüberliegenden Edelsteine.

Disk fibula with waffle foil and almandines
Disc brooch with almandines lined with waffle foil

Schließlich konnte die Replik der Scheibenfibel wie geplant an das LVR LandesMuseum Bonn übergeben und dort auf einem beispielhaften Goldschmiede-Arbeitstisch den Besuchern der Ausstellung „EVA’s BEAUTY CASE“ präsentiert werden (siehe Bild unten unter dem Hammer) – zusammen mit der ebenfalls von mir angefertigten Precious Gem Brooch to the left.

Work table of a goldsmith in the museum
Showcase with a goldsmith's work table

Right from the start of the exhibition, the showcase aroused great interest among museum visitors. The concept of the museum worked: the pure presentation of the original finds was supplemented here by a replica of a goldsmith's workplace with a lot of additional information, which gave the visitors a significantly expanded and thus even more lively view of the find object.

Visitor showcase goldsmiths workplace
Visitors in front of the showcase with the disc primer

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