Engagement ring

An exclusive engagement ring

At the end of the year, the junior manager of a medium-sized retail company commissioned me to create a very special gem: an exclusive engagement ring with three large diamonds. He wanted to give it to his ...

A medieval fitting

A medieval fitting

For several years now, we have been taking great pleasure in accompanying a budding theologian on his very personal path to - even though he is still young - already...

Ring Cardinal Ratzinger

An important bishop's ring

A customer from overseas, more precisely from the exotic island of “La Réunion” in the Indian Ocean, asked us for a gold ring with an elaborately engraved amethyst, which resembled the bishop’s ring…

A Roman made from marzipan

A Roman made from marzipan

Of course, this post is not meant entirely seriously and should therefore be seen as a welcome change from my often too strict goldsmith's everyday life 😉: I was born in April 2024...

Treasure of Preslav or Preslav

Charming Byzantine earrings

It is truly astonishing what fascinating craftsmanship ancient or medieval goldsmiths possessed, considering the tools, processing techniques and lighting options available at the time. What’s even more remarkable is…