Ring Cardinal Ratzinger

An important bishop's ring

A customer from overseas, more precisely from the exotic island of “La Réunion” in the Indian Ocean, wanted us to provide a gold ring with an elaborately engraved amethyst that resembled the bishop's ring...

The queen of the magnificent primers

The queen of the brooches

With this extraordinary replica of a large, magnificent disc brooch, we are consistently continuing the path we have taken so far - the production of replicas in the style of historical pieces of jewelry in museum quality. This replica…

Treasure of Preslav or Preslav

Charming Byzantine earrings

It is truly astonishing what fascinating craftsmanship ancient or medieval goldsmiths possessed, considering the tools, processing techniques and lighting options available at the time. What’s even more remarkable is…

Large disc fibula

An early medieval fibula with emerald

The perfect addition to any committed medieval garb is definitely a fibula that is as authentic as possible as a robe clasp. History has produced a myriad of different types of fibulae. The model for our early medieval …

Medieval pendant

A medieval pendant with sapphire

A breathtakingly beautiful piece of jewelry from the Middle Ages was the inspiration for our latest highlight in our museum quality jewelry replicas: A fantastically beautiful medieval pendant with a large sapphire. This pendant is made of...

Medieval pontifical ring

A magnificent pontifical ring

For 1000 years now, the highest dignitaries of the Christian churches have worn a so-called pontifical ring in their liturgical official acts ("pontificals") in addition to other insignia, e.g. bishops have a bishop's ring, cardinals ...

Pendant with handcrafted medieval filigree jewelry

The magic of medieval filigree jewellery

For a long time I have been fascinated by the enormous variety and the overwhelming and well thought-out optical effect of filigree jewelery on medieval goldsmith objects. In addition to church book bindings and reliquaries, processional crosses, ...